As early as the 1960s, the U.S. Department of Transportation carried out research on the application of millimeter wave radar in vehicles. It was not until the late 1980s that millimeter wave radars got rid of the "military" label and gradually became vehicle-mounted. With the advancement of technology and the promotion of assisted driving functions, vehicle-mounted millimeter wave radar has gradually entered the fast lane in the global market. After 2010, with the trend of automobile intelligence, millimeter wave radar manufacturers have gradually emerged in China, including traditional Chinese OEMs that increase the production of millimeter wave radars and Chinese millimeter wave radar start-ups. The Intelligent Vehicle Millimeter Wave Radar Innovation Technology Forum organized by China Polaris aims to provide industry colleagues with a highly professional and high-precision communication platform to discuss hot topics such as the development trend of mmWave Radar and technical difficulties, so as to bring better solutions for intelligent vehicle mmWave Radar.